Program List
- Becoming an Officer Training
- Bylaws & House Rules Forum
- Education Meetings/Speaking Series
- Election Committee
- Fair Housing Training for Co-op Employees
- Fire Safety
- Leasing Meetings and Trainings
- Maintenance
- Management Conference
- New Member Orientation/ A Welcome to the Co-op Family
- Officers’ Orientation
- President/Vice Presidents Meetings
- Treasurer Training
Becoming an Officer Training
Every year in June each co-op elects 4 officers to conduct the day-to-day management of their co-op. These 4 officers include a president, vice president, treasurer and secretary. In April a training is offered for all members that are interested in becoming an officer, but would like more information on the duties of these officers before making their decision to run. This training breaks down the duties of each officer, and gives you a basic idea of what to expect if you take the position.
Bylaws & House Rules Forum
This forum provides members an in-depth knowledge about the bylaws and house rules that govern every cooperative. During this forum members will learn how important it is to understand the differences between the bylaws and house rules, how to amend these rules and how important it is to review these rules on a regular basis. back to top
Education Meetings/Speaking Series
Every month, in most regions, a co-op will volunteer to host an education meeting or speaking series program. The education committee of the hosting co-op is responsible for selecting a speaker and planning the luncheon. The topics of interest can range from historical facts to outer space, meditation, thinking positive or current medical findings. The education chairpersons are encouraged to bring members from each of the co-ops where they reside to these joint events. It is a great opportunity to broaden horizons and to meet new friends! back to top
Election Committee
This committee is a vital cog in how each cooperative functions. The members on this committee are responsible for seeking out quality candidates for the position of President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer of their cooperative. In addition to recruiting members to run for these positions, they also educate all members about upcoming elections and oversee the actual election process. This committee provides its members great satisfaction in knowing that they help foment the true spirit of the cooperative principles! back to top
Fair Housing Training for Co-op Employees
CSI Support & Development is committed to fostering an environment that is welcoming, fair and equal for all of our members. This commitment is what drives our annual Fair Housing Training for all maintenance members and outside vendors. This training not only teaches those unfamiliar with our system about how a co-op works, but also ensures they are being educated on what is considered appropriate conversation and behavior when interacting in our co-ops. This training discusses Fair Housing Laws; common ways a vendor may be breaking them without even knowing; and how to provide the best service while being conscious of what the law expects. back to top
Fire Safety
This committee is responsible for conducting fire drills and educating members on fire safety issues. Committee members will attend a fire safety training session every year that will provide them with helpful tips on basic fire safety and how to conduct a successful fire drill in their cooperative. back to top
Leasing Meetings and Trainings
The leasing committee volunteers have the delightful job of meeting, greeting and interviewing/orientating future members for our co-ops. They also oversee the preparation of vacant apartments, work with vendors, recommend avenues of marketing and welcome new members. Every member of this committee attends a Leasing Certification Training (L.C.T) once a year. This keeps them informed of the rules, regulations and laws that govern leasing and that are set by CSI, federal, state and local governments. Throughout the year joint leasing meetings are held which provide continuing education regarding topics and questions that are provided by the members of the leasing committees. These meetings are run in a round-table discussion format with attendees from every co-op, which provides an opportunity for comfortably sharing information. Leasing conferences are another way that CSI provides educational opportunities for members of the leasing committee. Leasing conferences give members the opportunity to attend multiple workshops. Workshops are tailored to enhance their knowledge of the many areas of the committee and its duties. It also provide an overview of leasing volunteer opportunities to those members that are curious about this committee and want to know more before selecting their area of volunteerism. back to top
Many of our members join the co-op as former home owners and have grown accustom to making the decisions that keep their homes running efficiently and effectively. Members of the maintenance committee continue to have that influence in their co-operative home. They are the front line to ensuring the building is kept at its highest quality. CSI provides training and guidance to help the members organize and prioritize work orders, supervise vendors to address repairs and complete improvements, and oversee preventative work. The maintenance committee is a vital part to keeping the co-op running smooth. back to top
Management Conference
Each year, CSI Support & Development holds a management conference in California, Maryland, Massachusetts and Michigan. The purpose is to train CSI members on various subjects, such as: how to run a meeting, finance, how to lease apartments, how committees work, fair housing, teambuilding, how to work with and retain volunteers, co-op activities, apartment rehab, positive attitude and many more. Members attend several workshops of their choice and are encouraged to speak up, ask questions and pass on what they learn to other members in their co-ops.
The conferences are always inspirational for members and staff. Everyone returns from the conferences re-energized and refocused with a unified spirit. The conferences are educational, exciting and entertaining. Members and staff alike are looking forward to next year’s conferences already! back to top
New Member Orientation/A Welcome to the Co-op Family
New member orientations are held to provide members new to the co-op a warm welcome to our co-op family. During new member orientation, new members are provided with valuable information regarding co-op living, our co-op principles, our co-op history, volunteer opportunities and what the co-op system is all about. In addition, we invite some of our current members to share their “co-op experience” with our new members. back to top
Officers’ Orientation
Officers’ orientation is designed to provide all officers (president, vice president, treasurer and secretary) with the proper tools, resources and training to become a successful officer and conduct the day-to-day management of their co-op. In addition, officers participate in interactive teambuilding activities and ice breakers which help promote teamwork and communication amongst officers and other volunteers. We believe in and value the importance of educating our members in order to help them become the best volunteers in their co-ops and promote the co-op spirit! back to top
President/Vice Presidents Meetings
With a co-op principle dedicated to “Continuing Education,” President/Vice President Meetings take place to discuss common issues and gives co-op presidents and vice presidents the opportunity to brainstorm together as a group. This is one of the most frequent opportunities for our co-op leaders to get together in person or via conference call to discuss ideas and issues seen in their co-ops, troubleshoot common problems with their fellow leaders and communicate directly with the CSI’s regional and operations managers. Many regions also use this as an opportunity to promote camaraderie and a network of support amongst the co-ops as they continue to learn how to best serve their co-op. back to top
Treasurer Training
This training session provides the treasurer of each cooperative in-depth direction on how the finances of their co-op work. They also learn how to balance their monthly house funds statement and prepare their records for house funds audits. The training session also gives the treasurer an opportunity to ask any questions they might have about their duties in an open forum. back to top
- Participating in Your Co-op
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- What is a Co-op Liaison?
- What is a Service Coordinator?
- Your Floor Representative
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- Resident Green Guide
- Rent Payment Information
- Work Order Requests
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CSI is proud to be recognized with the Communities of Quality Corporate Partner designation. The designation was created specifically to honor management companies that successfully maintain a significant portion of their properties to the high standards of the COQ National Recognition program Learn more